Our Grant Thornton Luxembourg team can provide you with a full range of audit and assurance services including audit of stand-alone annual accounts, audit of...
Audit of stand-alone annual accounts
At Grant Thornton Luxembourg, our team of experts is specialised in audits of stand-alone annual accounts.
Audit of consolidated annual accounts
Grant Thornton Luxembourg team of experts is specialised in providing audit services to a lot of multinational which have their administrative center located in Luxembourg for whom the consolidated annual accounts have to be audited.
Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements
In the case of agreed-upon procedures engagement, Grant Thornton Luxembourg performs procedures particularly requested by the client/bank and reports on the findings.
GDPR-CARPA Certification
Grant Thornton Audit and Assurance is accredited by the Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données (CNPD) to provide GDPR-CARPA certifications for organisations.
Forensic Audit
Grant Thornton Luxembourg has the forensic and business skills to deal with the most complex situations. A multi-disciplinary team of dedicated accountants in consultation with lawyers, IT consultants, insurance experts, valuation specialists and actuaries may be engaged when necessary.
Supervisory Auditor (Commissaire)
Grant Thornton Luxembourg has a dedicated team of experts committed to deliver services to reserved to Supervisory Auditor or "Commissaire aux Comptes".
Liquidation Audit
Grant Thornton Luxembourg has a dedicated team of experts committed to deliver services to reserved to liquidation audit "Commissariat à la liquidation".
Assurance Engagements
Grant Thornton Luxembourg have a dedicated team of experts committed to work on audit and assurance special engagements.
IFRS Services
At Grant Thornton Luxembourg, our experts can help you navigate the complexity of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Grant Thornton Luxembourg helps clients evaluate and implement various strategic alternatives through our comprehensive suite of corporate value consulting services. From opinions, board solutions and services, to valuation and modeling, we can assist you with value added services throughout the transaction lifecycle.
As your business grows, our advisory services are designed to help you achieve your goals. Successful growth often means navigating a complex array of...
Business Risk Services
Mitigate risk and achieve compliance with solutions that address your unique challenges. From governance frameworks to risk assessments, we provide practical strategies to safeguard your business.
Grant Thornton’s Consulting team is your trusted partner in transformation. We help you turn challenges into opportunities and lead your business confidently into the future.
Data Protection and Privacy
Protect your business and ensure regulatory compliance with tailored data privacy frameworks. We help you manage risks, meet GDPR requirements, and secure sensitive information.
Deal Advisory
Whether you’re navigating a merger, raising capital, or preparing for restructuring, Grant Thornton’s Deal Advisory team provides expert guidance to help you make informed decisions and achieve your goals.
Financial Accounting and Advisory Services (FAAS)
We bring practical solutions that facilitate your daily work, allowing you to focus on your business growth while ensuring compliance and efficiency in all financial matters. Let us guide you through the intricacies of financial accounting and advisory to set your business up for success.
Forensic Accounting
We provide customised forensic accounting solutions to help you uncover key facts, resolve disputes, and mitigate risks in multi-jurisdictional and complex environments.
Governance, Risk & Compliance
Navigate complex regulations and governance challenges with ease. We help you design and implement effective GRC frameworks that align with your strategic goals and meet regulatory requirements.
Sustainability & ESG Services
We empower organisations to define and achieve their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals with actionable strategies. Our comprehensive advisory services help you ensure compliance, improve performance, and build trust with stakeholders.
Whistleblowing Services
Create a culture of transparency and accountability. We assist in implementing robust whistleblowing frameworks, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and building trust within your organisation.
In an industry that is constantly facing challenges both from the operational, legal, financial and regulatory perspectives, Grant Thornton Luxembourg is...
Alternative Investment Services
Grant Thornton Luxembourg is a bespoke business partner to established Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”) Managers (“AIFM”) as well as independent Managers launching start-up Funds and seeking for a single entry point in Luxembourg in order to set-up and manage their Luxembourg domiciled Funds.
Fund Administration
Fund Administration - Grant Thornton Luxembourg offers a full range of tailored solutions to our clients.
Registrar & Transfer Agency Services, Client Reporting
Grant Thornton Luxembourg provides investors with confirmations, final Contract Notes and regular statements upon finalisation of the Fund’s Net Asset Value, We handle all wire payments and transfers, including the processing of distribution dividend payments, and perform in-depth Anti-Money Laundering Counter Terrorism Financing and Know-Your Client due diligence checks on investors.
Fund set-up, Launch & Corporate life
High-quality product structuring and legal services have become a crucial tool enabling industry players to get through the major changes impacting their business development, strategy and organisation as a whole. Our Investment Management practice at Grant Thornton Luxembourg is your one-stop place for expert advice combining pragmatism and a unique in-depth knowledge of the Luxembourg market.
AML Compliance Services
Grant Thornton Luxembourg helps its Clients to keep compliant with AML-CTF laws and regulations and provide an expert skilled team.
Regulatory Reporting Delivery
Grant Thornton Luxembourg has set up a Business Process Outsourcing Solution that manages and mutualises regulatory expertise, reporting solutions and skilled human resources
Legal Support & Corporate Services
Grant Thornton Luxembourg delivers Legal Support & Corporate services.
Grant Thornton Luxembourg is delivering local and international direct and indirect (VAT) tax, payroll, transfer pricing, corporate finance, reporting,...
Accounting & Reporting Services
Grant Thornton Luxembourg may explore the specific characteristics of your company in order to provide a personalised assistance in the fields of Accounting & Reporting services.
Corporate Tax Compliance
Grant Thornton Luxembourg may explore the specific characteristics of your company in order to provide a personalised assistance in the fields of corporate tax compliance.
Direct Corporate Tax Advice
Grant Thornton Luxembourg understand the complexity of national and international tax laws. We can unlock your potential for local and international growth.
VAT and Other Indirect Tax Compliance
Handling the day-to-day VAT compliance obligations requires being close to your business. Our VAT compliance business line assists you to ensure that long term reporting processes are implemented and respected with the aim of safeguarding a proper and timely VAT filing. This is important for achieving a VAT compliant environment and mitigating local VAT risks.
VAT and Other Indirect Tax Advice
Our VAT advisory business line is dedicated to keeping you up to date with amended VAT legislation and changes in the administrative practice in Luxembourg and worldwide with our Grant Thornton global VAT network. Specialists review and comment on new EU directives and the latest case law by the Court of Justice of the European Union in order to provide you with advice tailored to your specific needs.
Transaction & Reorganisation
Reorganisations - Transaction Planning - Tax Structuring - M&A. Companies strive to improve their market position with take-overs, mergers and demergers. Strategy and financial tactics are important elements in this respect. Grant Thornton tax specialists may intervene in all stages of the transaction.
Transfer Pricing
The laws surrounding transfer pricing are becoming ever more complex, as tax affairs of multinational companies are facing scrutiny from media, regulators and the public. Grant Thornton Luxembourg can help you manage your transfer pricing risks and find opportunities.
Tax - Financial Services & Operational Tax
Our Tax - Financial Services team provides tax advisory services relevant for the Financial Services Industries and Operational Tax assistance. This includes tax advice, automatic exchange of information (FATCA, CRS, DAC 6, DAC 7 and DAC 8), advisory and compliance assistance regarding the US Qualified Intermediary (QI) regime, assistance regarding withholding tax reclaims, investor tax reporting and tax structuring in the context of Islamic finance.
Personal Tax
Our experienced multilingual Personal Tax Team is keen to give you tailored solutions, optimise your situation and help you make decisions. We could assist you with: income tax returns, vat returns, tax assessments, contacts with the tax authorities and assistance by tax audit or tax litigation, tax matters advices, inheritance tax matters, international assignments and trainings.
Cross-Border Tax
Tax policies are constantly evolving and there are a number of complex changes on the horizon that could significantly affect your business. We can help you with practical advice such as VAT and direct tax.
Corporate Finance
Exploring the strategic options available to you as a business or shareholder, advising and project managing the chosen solution, Grant Thornton Luxembourg provide a truly integrated corporate finance offering. Merger & acquisition, buying a business, selling a business, transaction piloting,raising finance to support your business plans.Vendor due diligence, acquisition due diligence, reporting accountant work,operational due diligence, management assessment.
Expatriate Tax
Although international employment has become a standard practice in business life, employers and their assignees are still faced with numerous questions in this area. Grant Thornton Luxembourg can help you to be one step ahead.
Set-up, Restructuring & Business Planning
Grant Thornton Luxembourg is delighted to add value during the implementation of your businesses and to be given the opportunity to grow together with you. Relying on our professionals’ financial expertise will allow you to take dynamic but sustainable decisions.
Corporate Secretarial Services
Grant Thornton Luxembourg provides corporate secretarial services to enable our clients to comply with their legal and administrative obligations in Luxembourg.
Liquidation & Insolvency
Grant Thornton Luxembourg can draw on years of experience in the areas of liquidation and insolvency and then make sensible recommendations on how best to deal with your financial crisis.
Human Resources Management & Payroll
Grant Thornton Luxembourg has been delivering since 1987 Payroll and Human Resources services to private and institutional clients. A team of highly qualified collaborators manages around 7 000 payslips per month and offers related consulting services.
Our Technology team comprises experienced professionals with expertise in various security domains, including information security strategy, third party risk...
Information Security
Is your organisation resilient to information security threats? Whether you're a large enterprise or a small business, Grant Thornton is committed to providing comprehensive security services tailored to your needs.
Grant Thornton’s internal audit department will help you to assess your operational execution, to safeguard your business assets, and to remain compliant with...
IT Audit
Grant Thornton internal audit team provides IT audit services as part of your internal audit or as part of any specific IT audit that is required (ad’hoc , assurance reports, external audits).
At Grant Thornton Luxembourg we provide the expertise and support that the asset management industry needs to thrive in today’s evolving market.
Grant Thornton Luxembourg offers dedicated services to banks in Luxembourg including: lifecycle of legal entities, governance improvement and transformation...
Grant Thornton Luxembourg is dedicated to provide services to consumer products companies.
Grant Thornton Luxembourg is committed to becoming an eco-friendly participant by supporting companies investing in the use of natural resources and in the...
The Grant Thornton EU Institutions Desk’s knowledge of public sector combined with Grant Thornton local and global network reach is helping to develop the...
International mobility - Expatriates' desk from Grant Thornton Luxembourg can provide organisations, HR departments and individuals with a follow-up to help...
We can help all types of healthcare clients, including hospitals, nurseries, pharmaceutical laboratories, foundations and personal assistance organisations to...
Grant Thornton Luxembourg is dedicated to providing a full range of services to liberal professions and freelancers.
Grant Thornton Luxembourg is dedicated to provide a full range of services to not for profit organisations and charities.
Grant Thornton Luxembourg is dedicated to support Professionals of the Financial Sector (investment companies, investment firm, specialised PFS) and create...
Grant Thornton Luxembourg is dedicated to providing a full range of services to Real Estate Investors in Luxembourg, valuations, structuring business,...
Grant Thornton Luxembourg is dedicated to providing a full range of services to SME and private-owned enterprises.
Grant Thornton Luxembourg offers a new complete online accounting and consulting solution for SMEs named MySmartOffice to access financial and operational information instantly online.
- Insights search
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- Audit
- Audit
- Secteur public
- Brexit, which implications?
- New index
- Short-time working
- Exceptional measures COVID-19
- No sick leave paid by the employer from April 1st
- Exceptional measures COVID-19
- Changes in legislation for trainees in Luxembourg
- Measures of teleworking for cross-border workers in Luxembourg
- News in tax matters and exceptional measures COVID-19
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Payroll Newsflash
- Personal Tax Newsflash
- COVID-19 Financial Reporting and Disclosures
- Complying with the GDPR is more than ever a challenge
- Business continuity, Information and Cyber Security
- Treasury management
- 7 Steps to manage cash flow and financial headwinds
- Responding to COVID-19: Business Checklist
- Virtual shareholder and board meetings
- A program to help companies reinvent themselves
- COVID-19: Transfer Pricing challenges
- COVID 19: Hedge accounting insights
- Legal News - June 2020
- Legal News
- Legal News
- Legal News
- Legal News
- Council agrees on the VAT in the Digital Age package
- Entry into force of ViDA package
- VAT treatment of company cars in cross border cases
- Luxembourg VAT Law
- Luxembourg VAT Law
- EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive
- Tax News Alert - April 2020
- Tax News Alert - April 2020
- Tax News Alert - October 2020
- Tax News
- Tax News
- Tax News
- Tax News
- Tax News
- Tax News
- Tax Newsletter
- Tax Newsletter
- Tax Tips
- Tax Tips
- Tax Tips
- Accounting Tips
- Adjusting for the shock: Six key tips for transfer pricing in 2020
- MySmartOffice, upgrade to the digital world
- Tax reform 2018
- Tax reform 2018
- Global mobility
- European Supervisory Authorities Publish New Policy Products under DORA
- Bill of Law 8291 concerning DORA was voted
- Deadline for Compliance with Circular CSSF 24/847 Looms
- You Need To Be Fully NIS2 Compliant In: 282 Days
- A comparative analysis of CSSF Circular 22/806 and DORA contractual provisions
- The Omnibus Package and CSRD: What is your destination now
- From EMAS to CSRD: Strengthening Sustainability Reporting
- The Role of the DPO in Europe
- Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive is Officially Published
- A Greenlight for the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
- ESMA's New Guidelines: A Strong Stance on Preventing Greenwashing in ESG Fund Names
- Update : CSSF sets the course for the supervision of Sustainable Finance
- The Role of the DPO in Europe
- Public Consultation on Guide on effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting
- CSSF sets the course for the supervision of Sustainable Finance
- Global ESG Risks: Understanding the Poly-crisis
- Mandatory sustainability reporting for large companies
- PSF de Support : Rapport d’Analyse de Risques et Rapport Descriptif
- Annual AML/CFT report for PFS
- This Circular comes into force as of 15 October 2021
- ECB economy-wide climate stress test
- The role of banks in sustainability
- CSSF Circular 20/758 for Investment Firms: New internal governance and risk management framework
- CSSF Circular 20/750 - We make you compliant!
- Risk Management & Teleworking: Is everything now in place to secure your Business Continuity?
- Sustainability – How can your impact drive change?
- CSSF Circular 20/750 – How does it affect your organisation?
- Implement the GDPR - how to get started
- Digital risk
- Are you GDPR ready?
- Blockchain as a Service
- European Financial Transparency Gateway project
- Developing Blockchain projects
- Grant Thornton Technology Hub Services
- Initial Coin Offering
- Financial Instruments Directive MiFID II
- Meditation and philosophy at work
- Grant Thornton's participation in ICT Spring 2018
- Grant Thornton's participation in ICT Spring 2017
- Reshaping strategies for 2021
- Getting ready for private equity investment
- COVID-19
- COVID-19
- Women in business 2019
- Women in Business 2020
- Women in business 2021
- Women in business 2022
- Women in Business 2023
- Women in business 2024
- Income Tax Returns
- Income Tax Returns
- Digital Operational Resilience Act
- Training on NIS2 and DORA Compliance
- Tax Tips
- Audit & Assurance
- Advisory
- Financial Services
Tax & Accounting
- Accounting & Reporting Services
- Corporate Tax Compliance
- Direct Corporate Tax Advice
- VAT and Other Indirect Tax Compliance
- VAT and Other Indirect Tax Advice
- Transaction & Reorganisation
- Transfer Pricing
- Tax - Financial Services & Operational Tax
- Personal Tax
- Cross-Border Tax
- Corporate Finance
- Expatriate Tax
- Set-up, Restructuring & Business Planning
- Corporate Secretarial Services
- Liquidation & Insolvency
- Human Resources Management & Payroll
- Technology
- Internal Audit
- Industries
- Training Center
Meet our people
- Alain Verbeken
- Alessandro Niglio
- Edouard Bubenicek
- Vaida Gončiauskaitė
- Martin Dewez
- Hakim Mezieche
- Christophe Cryns
- Charles de Kerchove
- Christophe Roeder
- Christophe Schiffner
- Dara Kelly
- Didier Simon
- Frank Heykes
- Gilles Godart
- Hugues Wangen
- Jean-Nicolas Bourtembourg
- Jean-Philippe Franssen
- Laurent Decaen
- Mehdi Mansoury
- Mélina Rondeux
- Monika Tasi
- Nicolas Tarabella
- Patricia Schon
- Ralph Bourgnon
- Thierry Remacle
- Vincent Garnier
- Vincent Prophète
- Careers
- About us
Media Centre
- The FinTech Market in Luxembourg
- Grant Thornton named one of the 50 'World's Most Attractive Employer'
- Grant Thornton named Employer of the Year
- Grant Thornton Luxembourg’s Technology Hub Services
- Investment Firms’ Strategic Market Review 2017
- Transfer Pricing
- Startup
- Event
- MySmartOffice
- Net Wealth Tax
- Implement the GDPR - how to get started
- COVID-19 Update
- COVID-19 Business Helpline
- Thierry Remacle new Managing Partner
- New on-demand services
- United Nations Global Compact
- Cybersecurity
- Net Wealth Tax
- Simon Henin joined Grant Thornton
- Nomination
- Article Paperjam
- Signing Ceremony National Pact on Business and Human Rights
- Sabika Ishaq promoted to CISO
- Andia Shtepani promoted to Head of Advisory
- Promoting diversity in the field of Cybersecurity
- GDPR-CARPA certification accredited body
- GDPR-CARPA certification accredited body
- Translating DORA into Practice - Focus on Cybersecurity
- Taxes across borders
- Information Security
- Information Security
- Information Security
- Elevating Cybersecurity to the Boardroom: Why Directors Must Take Charge
- Nomination of new Partners
- Exploring the Tax landscape for the Financial services and Asset Management industries
- Transfer Pricing Integration in Annual Financial Statements
- Stay Compliant, Stay Ahead: Navigating Tax Obligations and New Opportunities 2025
- Social & Tax 2025 Updates
- Webinar: The Journey Beyond DORA
- Nouveautés sociales et fiscales 2025
- Webinar
- Webinar
- Webinar
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